Take back ownership of your life and build out a future that brings you total fulfillment.

Ryan Dusick, Transformational Life Coach

Ryan Dusick

Transformational Coach
Founder & CEO of Get Curious

Are you a high-performing professional and/or artist who feels like you don’t know how to build the type of life experience you desire? Is the constant struggle leading you to look for solutions in all the wrong places? Do you feel like so many different “experts” and resources talk about the same thing, but nothing is connecting to the way you think? Is it making you feel anxious like you’re falling short, and might have even led you to become addicted to external stimuli in order to avoid the work of getting to know yourself at your core?

I can help you by providing you with a structured and intentional approach to looking inward first, in order to get to the root of your issues and create sustainable resolutions that you can actually execute.

My approach - Get Curious - helps high performers stop feeling like they’re on a ride-along in their own lives and start gaining control by using a system that allows them to look inward with true curiosity instead of avoidance.

Stop feeling like you’re just on a ride-along in your own life.

Every person is prone to seek external solutions for internal problems. With high performers especially, the added stress and pressure to be “on” at all times can often lead you to avoid the work of seeking the roots of your issues in lieu of quick – albeit temporary – fixes. The truth is, if you really want to perform at your peak sustainably, you have to Get Curious.

Shortcuts can’t last you in the long run, and if you’re not looking inward first, you’re skipping the most crucial step to optimizing your life. Today, more and more people are suffering from anxiety, stress, and feeling like they’ve been permanently put into the passenger’s seat of their own lives. When you add the high expectations of being at the top of your field, it’s easy to reach for external stimuli and avoid looking inward – but that’s where the difference is made. You have to get to know yourself first, have curiosity, and develop the skill of looking inward with self-compassion and without judgment. These tools are what will bring you to your true peak potential while also getting you back in the driver’s seat. When you Get Curious, you will have the mindset, tools, and vision to take back ownership of your life and build out a future that brings you total fulfillment.

Who I treat
    • Musicians
    • Artists
    • Professionals
    • Entrepreneurs

"Testimonials to come"

— John Doe
